Kamis, 15 November 2012
List of Frequently Spoken Lies
Lying is often done, but certainly no one who wants to be lied to. While lying for good reason, some people still think the name is a lie is not good behavior.
Causes Men and Women who undergo relationships have different reasons. Men generally lie to their partners to prevent fights. They believe doing so will lead to a healthier relationship. While the woman lied to her partner for many things, but generally to cover his feelings.
As reported by AskMen, a psychologist, Dr. Phil McGraw describes four falsehood often pronounced man and a woman to her partner.
1. Women are most good at covering his feelings. The words, "I'm fine" is the most common lie is done almost every woman. When in fact they do not feel good at all.
2. Women know that men are not like the nature of the 'mad' shop them. So they lied about something new when purchased, "This old bag anyway, but you just saw." "This old clothes that I never wear, so it looks new."
3. Regarding the appearance, of course, every woman wants the best. So they sometimes buy the expensive prices that should not be done, and the guy did not like it. Do not be surprised if the woman is always issued final sentence "It's on sale anyway, so harnya not expensive."
4. The easiest way to avoid something that is not desirable woman in some way is to tell a lie, "I'm dizzy" including the sex.
1. The woman was not only telling lies sring "I'm fine" when in fact the opposite.
2. For the sake of protecting his woman, the sentence lies "That does not make you fat" is often uttered by man.
3. Men would not be honest to the affairs of alcohol, he was afraid the couple will scold him. So she feels compelled to lie, "This is the last drink."
4. The man promised to pick up his partner, but why so long arrived? Because the phrase "I am the way. It's really like until "a lie most often spoken at that time.
Virginity: It is impossible to prove
Catarina Migliorini sold her virginity to a Japanese man, known as Natsu, a price not less than $ 780,000.
And he used it all to charity (he plans to donate the money to one of the family in Brazil.)
The doctor will examine him before the deal is done but that does not mean anything, because the doctor (even gynecologists) to prove whether a woman has sexual intercourse or not.
This is because of two reasons:
First, the hymen Women come in different shapes and sizes. Some women can have sex without breaking the hymen Sexual them. Thus, the hymen of a woman can remain "intact" even if they often do sexual relations.
Second, the hymen can be torn through activities completely unrelated to sexual activity. Something as simple as walking can be tearing the hymen and the people are still very shallow thinking will not believe that the woman did not have sexual intercourse.
What is the definition of virginity are they using?
Sex is certainly not just mean the entry of the penis into the vagina. If so, what can be said of gay and lesbian virgin?
And why women are still seen as more "valuable" when they have a hymen? And the woman who had torn her hymen, is a guarantee that the woman is valuable and deserves to be loved?
Such thinking is you should ignore. Virgin or not is not a guarantee of whether a woman worthy of love or not. Because real love comes not from mere hymen.
Kamis, 08 November 2012
Cerdas dan berbudi luhur merupakan dua hal yang terpadu yang tidak terpisahkan, karena kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi yang luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan dari orang lain.
1 April 1979 didirikan Akademi Ilmu Komputer Budi Luhur di Jakarta, beralamat di Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 Jakarta Pusat. Akademi ini bertujuan menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga terampil atau professional di bidang komputer guna memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan nasional.
Dengan makin mantapnya penyelenggaraan pendidikan di APK Budi Luhur, dan makin besarnya minat dan kebutuhan keahlian di bidang komputer, maka Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur pada bulan Agustus 1985 mendirikan Akademi Teknik Elektro Komputer (ATEK) Budi Luhur dan Akademi Akuntansi Komputer (AAK) Budi Luhur. Tujuan berdirinya ATEK Budi Luhur adalah menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan teknik elektro komputer, sedangkan AAK Budi Luhur bertujuan menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan akuntansi dan komputer.
Di awal tahun 1987, Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur merasa perlu untuk menyederhanakan kelembagaan perguruan tinggi dilingkungannya (STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur) ke dalam suatu wadah. Maka berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud nomor 0720/I/1987, STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur diintegrasikan ke dalam Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Budi Luhur dengan jurusan dan program studi sebagai berikut :
1. Jurusan Manajemen Informatika, dengan program studi :
a. Manajemen Informatika (D-III Diakui dan S-1 Terdaftar)
b. Komputerisasi Akuntansi (D-III dan S1 Terdaftar).
2. Jurusan Teknik Informatika dengan program studi Teknik Informatika (S-1 Terdaftar).
3. Jurusan Teknik Komputer, dengan program studi Teknik Komputer (D III dan S-1 Terdaftar).
Di kampus Budi Luhur juga terdapat banyak organisasi yang bisa dijadikan sarana kreatifitas, penyalur hobi, atau sebagai sarana untuk memperluas wawasan kalian dalam berorganisasi. Beberapa organisasi yang sangat terkenal yaitu, Asisten Laboratorium Komputer, Makopala, Basket, HMSK, dll.
Maka dari itu bagi lulusan SMA atau SMK sederajat jangan ragu untuk memilih UNIVERSITAS BUDI LUHUR sebagai Perguruan Tinggi kalian....
Come join the generation of intelligent virtuous..!!!
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012
3 Stories of Life Steve Job Experience the Very Inspiring
My third story is about death
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will be right. It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were my last day, if I keep doing what I am doing today? And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change. Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've found to help me make the big choices. Because almost everything-all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure-is no longer the face of death. Only what is truly important. Remembering death is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that you will lose something. You do not have anything. There is absolutely no reason not to follow your heart.About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I do not even know what a pancreas. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type that can not be treated. Expect to live no more than 3-6 months. The doctor advised me to go home and take care of everything else, which is doctor's code for me to prepare to die. That is, you must convey to your child in a few minutes all the things that you want in the next ten years. That is, make sure everything is buttoned up so that it easy for your family.It means to say your goodbyes. Throughout the day I live my life based on the diagnosis. At night, they enter the endoscope down the throat and into the stomach and the stomach, inserting a needle into my pancreas and took some tumor cells. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying knowing that it is an extremely rare pancreatic cancer, but it can be treated with surgery. I had the surgery and healthy until now. This was the closest I was to death, and I hope its a few more decades.Having lived through it, I can now say with confidence to you that according to the concept of mind, death is a useful thing: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die. to get there. However, death is certainly approached us. No one has ever escaped. And, as it should be, because Death is the single best invention of life. Death makes life go round. With it the old aside to be replaced by the young. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is.Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else's life. Do not be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Do not let what people drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, then you will come to what you want. Everything else is number two.When I was young, there was a great publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the books my generation smart. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. Was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. Maybe like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was packed with ideal tips and great notions.Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they made the last edition. It was the mid 1970's and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might go through if you are adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. "(Do not Ever Satisfied. Always Feel Stupid). That farewell message bearing the signatures of them.Well so was the success of the apple can be up for this, but this time Steve Jobs in name only can we find useful, and the work that he could use. Let us pray for Steve Jobs may be his calm in nature.
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will be right. It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were my last day, if I keep doing what I am doing today? And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change. Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've found to help me make the big choices. Because almost everything-all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure-is no longer the face of death. Only what is truly important. Remembering death is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that you will lose something. You do not have anything. There is absolutely no reason not to follow your heart.About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I do not even know what a pancreas. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type that can not be treated. Expect to live no more than 3-6 months. The doctor advised me to go home and take care of everything else, which is doctor's code for me to prepare to die. That is, you must convey to your child in a few minutes all the things that you want in the next ten years. That is, make sure everything is buttoned up so that it easy for your family.It means to say your goodbyes. Throughout the day I live my life based on the diagnosis. At night, they enter the endoscope down the throat and into the stomach and the stomach, inserting a needle into my pancreas and took some tumor cells. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying knowing that it is an extremely rare pancreatic cancer, but it can be treated with surgery. I had the surgery and healthy until now. This was the closest I was to death, and I hope its a few more decades.Having lived through it, I can now say with confidence to you that according to the concept of mind, death is a useful thing: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die. to get there. However, death is certainly approached us. No one has ever escaped. And, as it should be, because Death is the single best invention of life. Death makes life go round. With it the old aside to be replaced by the young. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is.Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else's life. Do not be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Do not let what people drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, then you will come to what you want. Everything else is number two.When I was young, there was a great publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the books my generation smart. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. Was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. Maybe like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was packed with ideal tips and great notions.Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they made the last edition. It was the mid 1970's and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might go through if you are adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. "(Do not Ever Satisfied. Always Feel Stupid). That farewell message bearing the signatures of them.Well so was the success of the apple can be up for this, but this time Steve Jobs in name only can we find useful, and the work that he could use. Let us pray for Steve Jobs may be his calm in nature.
3 Stories of Life Steve Job Experience the Very Inspiring
My Second Story: Love and Loss.
I was lucky, I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz (Steve Wozniak) and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20 years old. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us a $ 2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation the Macintosh a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired.
How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, that's what happened. As Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me. In the first year or so things went well. However, then came the difference in our visions of the future and we had a falling out. Commissioner apparently sided with him. So at 30 I was out.
The story was everywhere. What is the focus of my entire adult life, suddenly vanished. It hurts. Within a few months later, I do not know what I should do. I felt he had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs much I failed to take a chance. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and apologized for my slump. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from Silicon Valley.
But something slowly began to dawn on me still loved what I did. What happened at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I still love. So, I decided to start again from scratch. At that time I did not see it, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me of the most creative periods of my life.
In the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. Through an amazing series of events, Apple bought NeXT, I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family. I'm sure none of this would have happened if I had not been fired from Apple.
Was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life imposes rock at your head. Do not lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You have to find what you love. That goes both for work and asangan your life. Your work is going to spend most of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do something great. And you can only do great work is what you like. If you have not found it, keep looking. Do not give up. Heart, you'll know when you find it. As with any great relationship, the longer-more intimate you are with him. So keep looking until you find it. Do not stop.
I was lucky, I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz (Steve Wozniak) and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20 years old. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us a $ 2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation the Macintosh a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired.
How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, that's what happened. As Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me. In the first year or so things went well. However, then came the difference in our visions of the future and we had a falling out. Commissioner apparently sided with him. So at 30 I was out.
The story was everywhere. What is the focus of my entire adult life, suddenly vanished. It hurts. Within a few months later, I do not know what I should do. I felt he had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs much I failed to take a chance. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and apologized for my slump. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from Silicon Valley.
But something slowly began to dawn on me still loved what I did. What happened at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I still love. So, I decided to start again from scratch. At that time I did not see it, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me of the most creative periods of my life.
In the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. Through an amazing series of events, Apple bought NeXT, I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family. I'm sure none of this would have happened if I had not been fired from Apple.
Was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life imposes rock at your head. Do not lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You have to find what you love. That goes both for work and asangan your life. Your work is going to spend most of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do something great. And you can only do great work is what you like. If you have not found it, keep looking. Do not give up. Heart, you'll know when you find it. As with any great relationship, the longer-more intimate you are with him. So keep looking until you find it. Do not stop.
3 Stories of Life Steve Job Experience the Very Inspiring
The first story is about connecting the dots
I dropped out (DO) of Reed College after the first, but then stayed around there until 18 months later, before I really quit. Why do I DO? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young college student who became pregnant by accident and put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so I agreed to free the child since birth by a lawyer and his wife. Unfortunately, as I was born, suddenly they changed their minds because they want a baby girl.
So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the night asking: we have a baby boy whose unexpected, whether you want him? They replied: Of course.My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the adoption agreement. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.
And, 17 years later I really college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of the money my parents spent on my employees just tuition. After six months, I do not see the benefits. I do not know what I should do with my life and how college was going to help me find it. I've spent all of the money my parents for the rest of their lives. So, I decided to drop out and trust that it's the best. At that time it was scary, but now I think of it as the best decision I ever made.
So DO, I immediately stopped taking mandatory classes that I was not interested and started attending to my liking. The days were not always pleasant. I did not have a dorm room, so passengers sleeping on the floor of my friends. I return the bottle of Coca-Cola to the 5 ¢ deposits to buy food. I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get a good meal at the Hare Krishna temple. I enjoyed it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.
Let me give you one example:Reed College at that time was probably the best in the U.S. in terms of calligraphy. Throughout the campus every poster, labels, and instructions written beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and did not have to take the normal classes. I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn. I learned the types of serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between word combinations and tips makes great typography great. All of that is a flavor combination of beauty, history and art that can not be captured through science.It's amazing.When it did not look calligraphy benefits for the life of me. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came rewarding. Mac was the first computer bertipografi beautiful. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had a lot of letters that various forms and proportions. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them.
If I had never dropped out, I do not calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course, it is impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. However, ten years later things became clear. Once again, you will not be able to assemble a point with forward; You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future. You have to trust your gut, destiny, life, karma, or whatever other term. This approach is effective and makes a lot of difference in my life.
Toxic Substances Frequently We Eat Without We Realize
Often we do not realize that the food we consume daily in fact contain chemicals that are toxic, either as colorings, flavorings and mix and other ingredients. Za these chemicals affect our bodies in a cellular level, so most of us will know the impact for a long time
Negative impacts that could happen is that it can cause cancer, genetic disorders, birth defects at birth, and others.
There is no way to avoid 100% of the chemicals it in our daily lives, we need to do is to minimize its use so as not exceed the recommended threshold. Because in addition to widely available in the market, these materials are also relatively very cheap price.
Here are examples of materials that are toxic that we often encounter in everyday life:
1. Saccharin
Saccharin is a white crystalline powder, odorless and very sweet, about 550 times sweeter than regular sugar. Therefore it is very popular used as a sugar substitute.
Saccharin is a white crystalline powder, odorless and very sweet, about 550 times sweeter than regular sugar. Therefore it is very popular used as a sugar substitute.
Rats that were fed saccharin 5% for more than 2 years, indicating mucosal cancer of the bladder (the dose is roughly equivalent to 175 grams a day saccharin adult lifetime).
Although these results are still controversial, but most of the epidemiologists and researchers argue, saccharin does increase the degree of incidence of bladder cancer in humans is approximately 60% higher in users, particularly in men.
Food and Drug Administation (FDA) recommends to restrict the use of saccharin is only for people with diabetes and obesity. The dose is not to exceed 1 gram per day.
2. Cyclamate
Cyclamate is a white crystalline powder, odorless, and is roughly 30 times more than the sugar cane mains (with cyclamate levels of approximately 0.17%). When the level of the solution is increased up to 0.5%, then it will feel bitter and bitter.
Cyclamate with high levels of 200 mg per ml in medium and monolayer cell cultures of human leukocytes (in vitro) can lead to chromosome cells are broken. But the experimental animals were given long-term sikiamat not show double growth.
In the UK the use of cyclamate for food and beverages are prohibited, as well as in several European countries and the United States.
3. Nitrosamines
Sodium nitrite is a crystalline substance that is not colored or slightly yellow cast. He can form as a powder, grains or chunks and odorless. Salt is very popular, in part to maintain the original color of the meat as well as providing a distinctive aroma like sausage, cheese, corned beef, jerky, ham, and others.
For cheese making is recommended that sodium nitrite did not exceed 50 ppm, while for meat preservative and its flavor varies between 150-500 ppm.
Sodium nitrite is a precursor of nitrosamines, and nitrosammes been proven carcinogenic in many animal experiments. Therefore, the use of sodium nitrite should be careful and should not exceed 500 ppm.
Baby food is totally forbidden to contain sodium nitrite.
4. Substance Synthetic Dyes
From the observations in these markets synthetic dyes found 5 of the most popular in Indonesia are red, yellow, orange, green and brown.
Two of the five dyes, namely red and yellow are Metanil Rhodamine-B and yellow. Both dyes are categorized as industrial dyes for coloring paper, textile, paint, leather and so on. and not for food and beverages. The results showed that administration of both dye to rats and mice resulted in lymphoma.
In addition, borax, is also a favorite dyes are often used by food manufacturers.
5. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) or MSG is a food flavoring and is very popular among housewives, rice stalls and restaurants. Almost every type of food ranging from snacks today for kids like chiki and the like, meatball noodles, Chinese cuisine to traditional meals vegetable acids, and even some cooking lodeh field stamped or MSG MSG.
In hewaan experiment, MSG can cause nekrosi degeneration and neuronal cells, degeneration and necrosis of nerve cells lining the retina, causing cell mutation, resulting in colon and liver cancer, kidney cancer, brain cancer and damage the fatty tissue.
It is just one example of Toxic Substances Frequently We Eat Without We Realize ......!!!!!
hopefully with this we are more careful in choosing a meal .....
Negative impacts that could happen is that it can cause cancer, genetic disorders, birth defects at birth, and others.
There is no way to avoid 100% of the chemicals it in our daily lives, we need to do is to minimize its use so as not exceed the recommended threshold. Because in addition to widely available in the market, these materials are also relatively very cheap price.
Here are examples of materials that are toxic that we often encounter in everyday life:
1. Saccharin
Saccharin is a white crystalline powder, odorless and very sweet, about 550 times sweeter than regular sugar. Therefore it is very popular used as a sugar substitute.
Saccharin is a white crystalline powder, odorless and very sweet, about 550 times sweeter than regular sugar. Therefore it is very popular used as a sugar substitute.
Rats that were fed saccharin 5% for more than 2 years, indicating mucosal cancer of the bladder (the dose is roughly equivalent to 175 grams a day saccharin adult lifetime).
Although these results are still controversial, but most of the epidemiologists and researchers argue, saccharin does increase the degree of incidence of bladder cancer in humans is approximately 60% higher in users, particularly in men.
Food and Drug Administation (FDA) recommends to restrict the use of saccharin is only for people with diabetes and obesity. The dose is not to exceed 1 gram per day.
2. Cyclamate
Cyclamate is a white crystalline powder, odorless, and is roughly 30 times more than the sugar cane mains (with cyclamate levels of approximately 0.17%). When the level of the solution is increased up to 0.5%, then it will feel bitter and bitter.
Cyclamate with high levels of 200 mg per ml in medium and monolayer cell cultures of human leukocytes (in vitro) can lead to chromosome cells are broken. But the experimental animals were given long-term sikiamat not show double growth.
In the UK the use of cyclamate for food and beverages are prohibited, as well as in several European countries and the United States.
3. Nitrosamines
Sodium nitrite is a crystalline substance that is not colored or slightly yellow cast. He can form as a powder, grains or chunks and odorless. Salt is very popular, in part to maintain the original color of the meat as well as providing a distinctive aroma like sausage, cheese, corned beef, jerky, ham, and others.
For cheese making is recommended that sodium nitrite did not exceed 50 ppm, while for meat preservative and its flavor varies between 150-500 ppm.
Sodium nitrite is a precursor of nitrosamines, and nitrosammes been proven carcinogenic in many animal experiments. Therefore, the use of sodium nitrite should be careful and should not exceed 500 ppm.
Baby food is totally forbidden to contain sodium nitrite.
4. Substance Synthetic Dyes
From the observations in these markets synthetic dyes found 5 of the most popular in Indonesia are red, yellow, orange, green and brown.
Two of the five dyes, namely red and yellow are Metanil Rhodamine-B and yellow. Both dyes are categorized as industrial dyes for coloring paper, textile, paint, leather and so on. and not for food and beverages. The results showed that administration of both dye to rats and mice resulted in lymphoma.
In addition, borax, is also a favorite dyes are often used by food manufacturers.
5. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) or MSG is a food flavoring and is very popular among housewives, rice stalls and restaurants. Almost every type of food ranging from snacks today for kids like chiki and the like, meatball noodles, Chinese cuisine to traditional meals vegetable acids, and even some cooking lodeh field stamped or MSG MSG.
In hewaan experiment, MSG can cause nekrosi degeneration and neuronal cells, degeneration and necrosis of nerve cells lining the retina, causing cell mutation, resulting in colon and liver cancer, kidney cancer, brain cancer and damage the fatty tissue.
It is just one example of Toxic Substances Frequently We Eat Without We Realize ......!!!!!
hopefully with this we are more careful in choosing a meal .....
10 Tricks & Strategies to Get Maintain Friendship
Ever hear the song That's what friends are for, Dionne Warwick sung it? Song that was ever so popular in the late 80s, it seems fitting to describe how important a friendship.It was not just a friend of a friend vent, friends hanging out, but also our friend in all situations, and bad. No wonder, was so important, then the price of friendship is not negotiable. Never even replaceable.That is why not a few people who claim to establish a friendship is difficult, let alone build friendships believed to be more viscous element that proximity. In fact, their efforts and initiatives in building friendships, can not be said to be arbitrary. Not just diligent to call or invite to play to a boarding house, but there is also to Managing time so that could be a Japanese language course together. If so, where is kesalahnnya?Perhaps no one is wrong. But to get a true friend it does need to be patient. The most important thing is not overbearing. Let seeds appear and grow together naturally. There's also a good idea to stick to the philosophy To have a friend, be a friend. That is, if you want to get a friend, you must be a friend to that person.In addition to adhering to the philosophy that, in order to obtain a solid friendship quality, you can follow the following steps:
1. Be yourself.
If you believe that you are worthy enough for a fellowship, the attitude and behavior will be seen from all the things you do. Well, a lot of people who are comfortable and positive thinking when befriending those who have self-confidence was pretty good.
2. Loyal.
The nature of loyalty is one of the main pillars of a solid friendship. How not. You certainly want to be trusted and can not trust your best friend? You would also want to keep your best friend with you when you're in trouble, and vice versa. For that reason, it takes the name sense of loyalty.
3. No anti-criticism.
Friends who supposedly are actually those who are not only diligent praise but also likes to give positive criticism. For that you do not need anti with their criticism because after all you also aim for the good of not?
4. Lightweight hand.
Your friends will really appreciate all the kindness and help that you provided. Especially if you do it with sincerity without any frills and without having to be asked by him.
5. Fair-minded.
As a friend, it will be better if you examine a common problem from a different angle. How much faster would likely solve the problem.
6. Want to hear.
In a friendship, you should not just home to hear her vent, but try to pay attention and do not monopolize the conversation.
7. Do not use your friend as a personal adviser.
Why? Little bit, vent, make sure you become a boring couple. Another case when you have to ask your friend if he would like to listen to your problems.
8. Sharing happiness with friends.
Do not just vent any time you remember a friend, but more time needs to be happy too.
9. Do not forget a friend's birthday.
Given the special days are a necessity friend. Send a card or flowers, to show that you are worth a great friend.
10. Show that you are thinking of him when you are not with her.
How all kinds, can send cards, e-mail, SMS, or leave a message on her phone, when not able to meet. Alternatively, you can also send an article from a magazine that she likes
Do not Often Drink Water Diet While
Jacqueline Henson really unfortunate fate. Women who while doing the diet died in the diet. according to the doctors, the cause of death was a cerebral disorder oedama.
According to the team of doctors who examined his body, sudden death was caused due to excessive consumption of drinking water by the mother of five children. Jacqueline drinking four liters of water in less than 2 hours.
The water was then commemorate his brain and cause sudden death. Though 40-year-old woman was only doing the diet for 3 weeks. According to doctors, a day at least one woman should consume 200 kaloris every day.
But for the middle diet, average calories consumed rat only 500 calories. And Jacqueline for 12 days to replace all the caloric intake with water. which ultimately resulted in his death.
So for those of you who want to diet, it is better to consult a doctor or nutritionist.
According to the team of doctors who examined his body, sudden death was caused due to excessive consumption of drinking water by the mother of five children. Jacqueline drinking four liters of water in less than 2 hours.
The water was then commemorate his brain and cause sudden death. Though 40-year-old woman was only doing the diet for 3 weeks. According to doctors, a day at least one woman should consume 200 kaloris every day.
But for the middle diet, average calories consumed rat only 500 calories. And Jacqueline for 12 days to replace all the caloric intake with water. which ultimately resulted in his death.
So for those of you who want to diet, it is better to consult a doctor or nutritionist.
Coffee Can Reduce Stroke In Women
To combat sleepiness, typically people consume coffee. And these things are not only done by most men, but many women who often consume coffee to fight drowsiness and tackle stress in the workplace. However, one thing we should know that coffee also turned out to be beneficial, especially for women. That could reduce the risk of stroke
According to a study by scientists from Sweden revealed that women who drank one to five cups of coffee can prevent stroke by 22-25 percent, compared with women who did not consume coffee.
The study involved 34,670 Swedish women respondents aged 49 to 83 years. The respondents checked health records for 10 years to obtain information on the number of women who later suffered a stroke. As a result, it is found that there are as many as 1680 cases with stroke in women who did not drink coffee at all or drank less than one cup of coffee.
"Although the health effects of coffee is small, but it can have major consequences for public health," said lead researcher Susanna Larsson of the National Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
According to research results that have been reported Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, which includes coffee the most widely consumed beverage in the world community. The content of insulin in it that causes coffee can reduce the risk of stroke.
According to a study by scientists from Sweden revealed that women who drank one to five cups of coffee can prevent stroke by 22-25 percent, compared with women who did not consume coffee.
The study involved 34,670 Swedish women respondents aged 49 to 83 years. The respondents checked health records for 10 years to obtain information on the number of women who later suffered a stroke. As a result, it is found that there are as many as 1680 cases with stroke in women who did not drink coffee at all or drank less than one cup of coffee.
"Although the health effects of coffee is small, but it can have major consequences for public health," said lead researcher Susanna Larsson of the National Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
According to research results that have been reported Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, which includes coffee the most widely consumed beverage in the world community. The content of insulin in it that causes coffee can reduce the risk of stroke.
CHANGED? Why not?
Talk about winning: Trust in your partner's ability to change not only going to help him do it - it also makes you happier with your relationship, says a new study of couples in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
In a series of experiments, people who say their partners are able to make changes themselves to rank the quality of their relationship to a more positive and feel more secure in their condition than those who do not think that change will occur. This is true even for those who think their partner could do more to improve his interpersonal skills.
"People who believe that their partners are able to make changes more likely to see their partner efforts in a positive light," said study author Chin Ming Hui, a graduate student in the School of Psychology at Northwestern University. On the other hand, if you do not think that change is possible, you're more likely to ignore these efforts, and dwell on its properties less desirable.
The good news: Despite being optimistic in the relationship does not exist in nature, you can still use the research findings to make things better at home. "Try to intentionally detect and appreciate the subtle improvements that occurred in the relationship," said Hui. For example, to recognize the signs that he was going to start an argument or a fight before it happens. Look at things from your point of view about the changes occurring in him.
You'd be ready to accept change, right?
In a series of experiments, people who say their partners are able to make changes themselves to rank the quality of their relationship to a more positive and feel more secure in their condition than those who do not think that change will occur. This is true even for those who think their partner could do more to improve his interpersonal skills.
"People who believe that their partners are able to make changes more likely to see their partner efforts in a positive light," said study author Chin Ming Hui, a graduate student in the School of Psychology at Northwestern University. On the other hand, if you do not think that change is possible, you're more likely to ignore these efforts, and dwell on its properties less desirable.
The good news: Despite being optimistic in the relationship does not exist in nature, you can still use the research findings to make things better at home. "Try to intentionally detect and appreciate the subtle improvements that occurred in the relationship," said Hui. For example, to recognize the signs that he was going to start an argument or a fight before it happens. Look at things from your point of view about the changes occurring in him.
You'd be ready to accept change, right?
Tips Achieve What You Want in a Career
Career search process is very difficult and stressful. This is even made more intense today because so many companies are reducing their workforce to shrink the number of applicants, causing a bit.
Competition for available jobs is fierce. However, you can beat the competition and actually find and get a job in the career you want. This is the secret:
1. Find what you want in work and life.
Discover your true passions, desires, beliefs, and talents so that you can paint a picture of your actual work and purpose in life from your own perspective.
2. Develop and specify the job you want.
Design and set a career that will allow you to fulfill your passions, desires, beliefs and maximize your talent. What you do is build your ideal job as opposed to see the job opportunities that come along to be evaluated. Believe it or not, you are looking for a career that actually there is more than one than you expect.
3. Find the company with the position you want.
Do the research on all the companies of the geographical area you are looking for. Do not worry if they're open jobs or are doing shrinking workforce.
4. Evaluation of the Company which has a career you want.
Make sure that you work for a company that has the ideal job for you. They must have integrity and good treatment of employees and customers as they should be (you want).
Determine whether they operate in the industry you want to enter.
Perform peelitian about your chosen career. Do not be put off or discouraged if the company does not hire you. Why? Because the company is always looking for the right employee and eventually had to hire new employees to survive.
Determine who will actually make the hiring decision, and what is important to them. Many companies disguise this information through HR department or recruitment committee. If possible, try to find out how you can reach the decision makers directly. Look for their email address, phone number, or someone in the company who can do it for you.
5. Contact Decision Makers and Amaze Him.
Express your enthusiasm for the job. The less work you specify will be better. You want them to know if you can be trusted to be honest and committed to finding your dream job, even though they may not have a chance.
Let them know that you will be very productive because you will excel in your work, that your employees will be filled with gratitude and energetic as you are doing what you love. You do not just ask for a job so that they will pay you, but you have targeted a specific job in the company, and you are committed to contribute in that position.
Entrepreneurs always face problems in finding the right employees to work with them, yan they could trust, and who will be very productive although with little supervision.
You are not the only people who are looking for the right career. There are many others who are still in the job search process.
Now you already know what you should do, so, do it now!
Competition for available jobs is fierce. However, you can beat the competition and actually find and get a job in the career you want. This is the secret:
1. Find what you want in work and life.
Discover your true passions, desires, beliefs, and talents so that you can paint a picture of your actual work and purpose in life from your own perspective.
2. Develop and specify the job you want.
Design and set a career that will allow you to fulfill your passions, desires, beliefs and maximize your talent. What you do is build your ideal job as opposed to see the job opportunities that come along to be evaluated. Believe it or not, you are looking for a career that actually there is more than one than you expect.
3. Find the company with the position you want.
Do the research on all the companies of the geographical area you are looking for. Do not worry if they're open jobs or are doing shrinking workforce.
4. Evaluation of the Company which has a career you want.
Make sure that you work for a company that has the ideal job for you. They must have integrity and good treatment of employees and customers as they should be (you want).
Determine whether they operate in the industry you want to enter.
Perform peelitian about your chosen career. Do not be put off or discouraged if the company does not hire you. Why? Because the company is always looking for the right employee and eventually had to hire new employees to survive.
Determine who will actually make the hiring decision, and what is important to them. Many companies disguise this information through HR department or recruitment committee. If possible, try to find out how you can reach the decision makers directly. Look for their email address, phone number, or someone in the company who can do it for you.
5. Contact Decision Makers and Amaze Him.
Express your enthusiasm for the job. The less work you specify will be better. You want them to know if you can be trusted to be honest and committed to finding your dream job, even though they may not have a chance.
Let them know that you will be very productive because you will excel in your work, that your employees will be filled with gratitude and energetic as you are doing what you love. You do not just ask for a job so that they will pay you, but you have targeted a specific job in the company, and you are committed to contribute in that position.
Entrepreneurs always face problems in finding the right employees to work with them, yan they could trust, and who will be very productive although with little supervision.
You are not the only people who are looking for the right career. There are many others who are still in the job search process.
Now you already know what you should do, so, do it now!
5 Ways to Work More Easily!
Work is actually made up of a series of similar and repetitive actions. However, not everyone knows how to make it easy. Work always difficult and unpleasant.
5 tips so that you can more easily work are:
1. Do more
Avoid unnecessary activities like chatting. Do the important things faster. So you have time to spare for other things.
2. Use the calendar to remember your activities.
We often think of even worrying about work piling up, but not everything should be completed today.
Tomorrow? the day after tomorrow? next week? Focus on doing work today only!
3. Always learning
Many read and hear new things relating to your employment field interchangeable broaden and transform the way you work! Do not monotonous course. Discover the most effective way. Learning continues.
4. Change clothes as soon as you relax at home
Leave for home office life. It makes you relaxed and ready for the next day's work.
5. Get to know your colleagues
Support / help co-workers will make the job easier. Build good relationships with your colleagues :)
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5 tips so that you can more easily work are:
1. Do more
Avoid unnecessary activities like chatting. Do the important things faster. So you have time to spare for other things.
2. Use the calendar to remember your activities.
We often think of even worrying about work piling up, but not everything should be completed today.
Tomorrow? the day after tomorrow? next week? Focus on doing work today only!
3. Always learning
Many read and hear new things relating to your employment field interchangeable broaden and transform the way you work! Do not monotonous course. Discover the most effective way. Learning continues.
4. Change clothes as soon as you relax at home
Leave for home office life. It makes you relaxed and ready for the next day's work.
5. Get to know your colleagues
Support / help co-workers will make the job easier. Build good relationships with your colleagues :)
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